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Our guide to some of the defintive sailing reference books that deserve a place on any serious long distance cruiser's bookshelf
World Crusing Routes by Jimmy Cornell
Long established as the bible for long-distance cruisers and a bestseller for more than 25 years, World Cruising Routes is the indispensable planning guide to nearly 1,000 sailing routes covering all the oceans of the world from the tropical South Seas to the high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic, geared specifically to the needs of cruising sailors. It contains information on the winds, currents, regional and seasonal weather, as well as suggestions about optimum times for individual routes. The 7th edition assesses the effects of global warming on cruising routes and provides over 6,000 waypoints to assist skippers in planning individual routes. It is the perfect one-stop reference for planning a cruise anywhere in the world.
'The most important book for long-distance voyagers to come along in decades.' Cruising World
Ocean Passages and Landfalls by Rod Heikell and Andy O'Grady
Invaluable passage-planning information for crossing the oceans, with discussions on climates, seasons, oceanography and the merits of different world cruising routes. The heart of the book is an ocean-by-ocean round-up, and at the beginning of each of these sections is a description of routes, followed by information on the countries relevant to these routes. Details of formalities and regulations are then followed by essential information on key harbours and landfalls. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and enlarged and now features new sections on chosen areas and topics - the Atlantic Circuit or Cruising on Ice, for instance. Here the opportunity has been taken to provide more informal commentary and observations based on first-hand experience. These sections are illustrated by the author's colour photographs, many of which have been taken during the production of this new edition and sent in from far-flung parts of the oceans; Rod Heikell in the South Pacific and the Torres Strait, and Andy O'Grady in Brazil and the high latitudes of Chile. As an up-to-date reference for world cruising this new edition of Ocean Passages and Landfalls sets the benchmark as both a practical reference and also as a book for dreamers.
World Cruising Handbook by Jimmy Cornell
A companion volume to World Cruising Routes containing invaluable practical information on all aspects of cruising worldwide. The third edition of World Cruising Handbook has been thoroughly revised to bring it in line with the enormous changes brought about by the Internet revolution. Entries for all 185 maritime nations of the world have been thoroughly revised in order to gather together in a single volume all the practical information anyone would need when planning to sail anywhere in the world.
World Cruising Destinations: An Inspirational Guide to All Sailing Destinations by Jimmy Cornell
This substantial handbook profiles every cruising destination in the world, with information on cruising attractions, history, culture, climate(including average monthly temperatures and rainfall, plus tropical storm seasons), local laws, regulations and formalities, facilities available, plus public holidays and events, emergency telephone numbers, and much more. Everything the cruiser needs to know about. Lavishly illustrated throughout, it is not only a must-have onboard reference work for long distance sailors, but will undoubtedly inspire the adventurous to sail where they have never sailed before. This second edition has been extensively revised to bring it up to date with changes to formalities and facilities around the world in the past few years.
Cornell's Ocean Atlas: Pilot Charts for All Oceans of the World by Jimmy Cornell
Cornell's Ocean Atlas of 129 up-to-date pilot charts is aimed at sailors planning offshore voyages, with charts based on the most recent weather data gathered by meteorological satellites over the last twenty years - highlighting the changes that have occurred in weather conditions throughout the world. Sixty monthly pilot charts of all oceans for the world show wind speed and direction, current speed and direction, approximate extent of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, the most common tracks of tropical storms, and the mean location of high pressure cells for each hemisphere. Sixty-nine detailed charts of the most commonly sailed transoceanic routes make it easier for cruising sailors to plan a route that takes best advantage of the prevailing weather conditions at that time of year. Sidebars with tactical suggestions have been added to the months when most passages are undertaken. The comments and tips on tactics, as well as weather overviews for each ocean, were contributed by meteorologists and routers specialising in those oceanic areas.
How to Sail Around the World: Advice and Ideas for Voyaging Under Sail by Hal Roth
A new classic from one of the world's most respected sailing authors. More than 35 years ago, Hal Roth quit his job as a journalist and went sailing. Since then, he's logged more than 200,000 sea miles. Along the way, Roth also has authored eight voyaging classics, including the 1978 bestseller After 50,000 Miles.
Taking that book as its starting point, this handsome new volume incorporates the new technologies and discoveries of the last quarter century along with another 150,000 miles of experience.
Boatowners Mechanical and Electrical Manual by Nigel Calder
If it’s on a boat and it has screws, wires, or moving parts, it’s covered in Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual.
This manual takes both novice and experienced boatowner through minor to major repairs of electrical systems, engines, electronics, steering systems, generators, pumps, cookers, spars and rigging.
When it was first published in 1990, the Boatowner's Mechanical & Electrical Manual broke new ground. It was hailed as the first truly DIY manual for boatowners and has sold in its thousands ever since. There have been significant changes in boat systems since then, particularly electrical systems, and this fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect these developments and expand its predecessor's worldwide popularity.
'Probably the best technical reference and troubleshooting book in the world' Yachting Monthly
'It deserves to come standard with every boat' Yachting World
The Voyager's Handbook by Nigel Calder
This inspirational and comprehensive manual leads you step by step through every aspect of choosing, planning, and following the voyager’s life. Using three example boats representing three cruising lifestyles―Simplicity, Moderation, and Highlife―Beth Leonard helps make your bluewater dreams come true, whether you’re sailing on a shoestring or a CEO’s pension. Starting with the things you can’t do without―an enthusiastic crew, a seaworthy boat, and, of course, money―Leonard offers sage advice on how to select crewmembers who are truly committed to the voyage, how to choose the right boat for you, and how to find just the right approach to financing your voyage and making the most of every dollar spent.
“Belongs in the bookshelf of every cruising vessel.”―Blue Water Sailing
“If you are serious about that extended voyage, read The Voyager’s Handbook.”―Sailing
American Practical Navigator An Epitome of Navigation by Nathanial Bowditch
Nathanial Bowditch first published this encyclopedic work in 1802. During the last two centuries over 75 editions, almost 1,000,000 copies, of Bowditch have been published by the US Government. As much as it is a part of history, Bowditch is not a history book. In this 2017 edition, as in past editions, dated material was dropped and new methods, technologies and techniques added to keep pace with changes in the practice of navigation. The changes are intended to ensure Bowditch remains the premier reference work for modern, practical marine navigation. This edition replaces but does not cancel former editions, which may be retained and consulted as to historical navigation methods not discussed herein. Due to critical feedback from academia, the 2017 edition reconstitutes several deleted or abridged chapters removed from the previous two editions. The additional text warranted the return of a two-volume format, with the useful tables and glossary of marine navigation located in volume II.
The Complete Rigger's Apprentice by Brion Toss
Any expert can write a textbook filled with information. But any such book will pale in comparison to one written by an expert in love with what they do. Want to know more about any aspect of your standing and running rigging? This is the second edition of the book Toss first began writing 30 years ago. His corrections and new ways of thinking are reflected on nearly every page.
A book for sailors who want the satisfaction and hard-cash savings of stepping their own masts, inspecting and maintaining their own rigs, and turning their own tailsplices and wire eyesplices. It is for boatowners who want to replace an entire gang of rigging themselves--measuring, choosing appropriate wire, turning soft eyes, leathering, and serving. It is for bluewater voyagers who want to feel secure in the knowledge that, should a shroud carry away far at sea, they will be able to repair it.
The Complete Rigger's Apprentice is also a free-roaming collection of useful ideas and tips - In short, it's the definitive book on the art of rigging, written by its most entertaining practitioner.
Heavy Weather Sailing by Peter Bruce
For 50 years Heavy Weather Sailing has been regarded as the ultimate international authority on surviving storms at sea aboard sailing and motor vessels. The first edition was compiled by Kaines Adlard Coles himself in 1967. Since then technology may have improved, but the weather certainly hasn't. This is the seventh updated edition, edited by racing yachtsman Peter Bruce, ensuring that in its 50th year the book remains as relevant and as essential as it has been for the previous five decades.
The book brings together a wealth of expert advice from many of the great sailors of the present, including fresh accounts of yachts overtaken by extreme weather, from Ewan Southby-Tailyour, Alex Whitworth and Peter Cook to Larry and Lin Pardey. It also includes a new Foreword by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Britain's most high profile yachtsman of the past 50 years.
The expert advice section has been updated in line with current thinking, and there has been a major update to the chapter focusing on the use of storm sails as well as to the use of drag devices. The technique of taking refuge has been reviewed and updated, and the chapters dealing with preparations for heavy weather and its effect on yacht design have been overhauled. These revisions ensure that Heavy Weather Sailing is as relevant, useful and instructive for today's sailor venturing offshore as it ever was – perhaps more so in the light of tragic disasters like the loss of the Cheeky Raffiki mid-Atlantic on a delivery trip after her season racing in the Caribbean.
This is the definitive book for crews of any size contemplating voyages out of sight of land anywhere in the world, whether racing or cruising. It gives a clear message regarding the preparations required, and the tactics to consider when it comes on to blow.
The Annapolis Book of Seamanship by John Rousmaniere
Completely revised and updated to address changes in technology and safety standards, this new edition is the definitive guide to the art and science of sailing.
“The art of sailing, maneuvering, and preserving a ship or a boat in all positions and under all reasonable circumstances.” With the addition of the words, “and some unreasonable circumstances, too,” this definition of “seamanship” is as valid today as when the first edition of this book was published in 1983. The aim remains to advise the sailor on essential gear, skills, and behavior that enhance your pleasure and safety.
This edition of The Annapolis Book of Seamanship is an extensive update. Much of the text is new or revised, and there are many new photos. Throughout, the book stresses the skills and attitudes that comprise what the author calls “The Seamanship Ethos.” The first four chapters cover the boat, basic sailing skills, sail trim, and weather, with the first of many “Hands On” sections with their tips.
The topics of health (including seasickness) and on board safety follow, with lessons learned from on-water tests and studies of boating accidents. We look closely at the elements of piloting, navigation, and electronics, including Digital Selective Calling, the US Coast Guard’s emergency communication system.
Moving on to the arts of traditional seamanship—anchoring, heavy weather, and emergencies—there is much on modern equipment and skills, again based on experience. The book ends with boat maintenance and the traditions that make sailing the beloved pastime it is. Appendixes include best practices for protecting the marine environment and bringing up children under sail.
Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual by Don Casey
The definitive guide from the world's best-known sailboat maintenance expert Don Casey’s Complete, this book combines six core volumes into a single, utterly dependable resource that answers every frequent question, explains every major system, and helps you keep your boat and its components shipshape.
More than 2,500 clear and detailed illustrations guide you step by step through every procedure. Casey’s technical virtuosity, his user-friendly explanations, and Peter Compton's diesel engine expertise make even the more complicated repairs and improvements easy to understand.
Chapman Piloting & Seamanship by Chapman
For over a century, Chapman has been an indispensable, trusted resource for boating under power and sail. It has sold millions of copies, and is a must-have for virtually anyone who puts a craft on water. Featuring 1,500 color photos, this updated edition covers new technologies, maritime laws and regulations, safety tips, and maintenance, as well as complete discussions of weather, tides, currents, and navigation. From anchors and knots to sailing theory and sail-handling systems, Chapman Piloting and Seamanship explains absolutely everything you need to know.